On Wednesday, March 11th, the coronavirus was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. There are over 1,200 confirmed cases in the United States and the call to isolation and financial uncertainty weighs heavy. Anxiety, fear, and confusion are palpable as we collectively search for ways to respond.
These waves of emotions and thoughts are familiar for us engaged in climate justice advocacy. Both the climate crisis and coronavirus force us to consider innumerable negative effects. They impact seemingly every area of daily life and grasping the size and complexity of the crises is daunting.
In light of this, we at Faith in Place are leaning on the courageous strength we depend on every day to take responsibility for the impacts of our systemic and individual actions. We are rooted in following the clarity of rational science and collective action as a community. We listen to how the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization tell us to prevent the spread of the disease. We welcome and follow the advice of experts and focus on the practical and effective ways we can take responsibility now.
Like the negative impacts of climate change, the coronavirus also invites us to consider deeper the well-being of our neighbors. We expand our vision from our own daily life to see how interconnected we are to our community and world. Our health, the economy, supply chains – they are all affected by coronavirus. Like the negative impacts of climate change, those in disadvantaged communities face the most significant challenges in preparing for and responding to the coronavirus.
This vulnerability reconnects us to our collective community. We renew compassion and a cry for justice for those who cannot afford health care, who cannot stay home to work and avoid exposure, who are in jails and prisons, who live in overcrowded housing, and who cannot afford testing. Our response as a people of faith is to draw together in compassion, even if not together in a physical space. Our love and passion for justice is strong and will be expressed in how we recognize and protect the vulnerable among us. At Faith in Place, we continue our work with passion and creativity, knowing now is a time when our practical and compassionate response to crises can renew hope and ease anxiety.
We thank each of our supporters and staff that work with us to find ways to stay healthy as a community while walking alongside those that need extra support during this time. We know this is a challenging time and we also know we will grow stronger as we face this crisis together.