Dear Friend,
Millions are heading to the polls in person tomorrow. Millions more across the country already made their voice heard by mailing in their ballots.
In many ways, tomorrow feels monumental. As people of faith and conscience, we cry out for leadership who serves with compassion and justice. We lament the division we face as a country and how we let those chasms deepen with each passing day. We resist by voting as a symbol of hope and healing. We believe that our voice will shape a tomorrow better than the world we see today.
In other ways, we feel like we have been here before. Centuries of oppression puts one election into perspective. It is both monumental and only a stepping stone. Addressing the roots of racism and environmental injustice requires our ongoing commitment. Whatever happens tomorrow, it’s not the end of the story.
After November 3rd, regardless of the outcome, Faith in Place is dedicated to be with you as we advance healing for each of us and the world. We continue to be community. We continue to celebrate, lament, and work together. As Gracie Allen proclaims, “Never place a period where God has placed a comma. God Is still speaking."
In hope and healing,
Rev. Brian J. Sauder President & Executive Director
P.S. It’s not too late to register to vote. In Illinois you can register day-of at your designated polling site. Learn more and make a voting plan here.
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