Our interconnectivity to the earth and one another was undeniable in 2020. From choking wildfires to Black Lives Matter protests to COVID-19, we know we are in relationship with everything around us; the pandemic, systemic racism, and the ongoing climate crisis are intertwined.
George Floyd’s, “I can’t breathe,” continues to echo in our communities. People of color disproportionately suffer violence, hunger, and sickness. Over 350,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 and loneliness and anxiety weigh heavy. Our planet is choking from the warming effects of fossil fuels.
2020 yelled at us that our ecological and social crisis is a spiritual crisis.
And that is why we, as people of diverse spirituality and faith, must claim the wisdom of the ages for this moment. We believe that the tools of connection offered by our various spiritual traditions offers us a path towards environmental justice.
We are resilient. Together we have grown, adapted, and embodied hope.
During 2020, Faith in Place distributed over $200k in emergency food relief grants, learned about climate change and racism with thousands from across the world, guided people on virtual nature outings, and supported Green Teams through virtual spaces. In a world that often seems lost, we knew we could light the way for hope and justice.
As we enter a new year, we commit to working with you to continue addressing the spiritual crisis of disconnection we all face.

Rev. Brian J. Sauder
President & Executive Director