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Clean Power Plan Rule Finalized

Faith in Place

With the finalization and release of the U.S. EPA's Clean Power Plan, now is the time to take our leadership in Illinois to new levels. It's time for people of faith to continue raising up the moral leadership needed to implement what President Obama calls "the biggest, most important step we've ever taken to combat climate change." Watch President Obama's entire speech.

Faith in Place's advocacy efforts have proved crucial to get our state to a pivotal point. Environmental champions, State Senator Don Harmon and State Representative Elaine Nekritz, have introduced the Clean Energy Jobs Bill.

This ground-breaking legislation, if passed, would meet the clean power goals by increasing renewable energy to 35% by 2030, increasing energy efficiency so that we can get 20% reductions in energy use by 2025, and taking the first real steps to finding market solutions that advance renewable energy while slashing power plant pollution.

These policies, if put in place, will create more than 32,000 jobs annually for Illinois.

Through Faith in Place's advocacy efforts, we as a faith community have ensured that provisions for economically-challenged communities are prioritized in this legislation.

But we can't do this without your help. Please take a moment to fill out this petition, showing your support for this historic initiative in Illinois.

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