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🌸 Celebrating our Shared Values this Earth Month 🌎

Setting is located outdoors with blue sky taken up by grey clouds. Background has tall grass. Group of 8 people and 3 children are gathered at a swirl shaped wooden bench. People are wearing coats and listening to the person in the center.

April's reflection comes from Muhammad Shahzad Hussain, who serves at Faith in Place as Multifaith Outreach Coordinator. Please enjoy it below and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on upcoming events. 


Mr. and Mrs. Heinens, Tom and Katie, have been my gracious neighbors. Despite my status as a newcomer to Milwaukee, they warmly welcomed me into their community. Their kindness extended beyond mere neighborly gestures—they introduced me to numerous religious and environmental groups in the region. 

On Holy Thursday, they invited me to St. Michael's and St. Rose of Lima's joint service at St. Rose. The two Catholic parishes share staff and transcend language barriers by conducting services in up to six different languages. It was during this visit that I encountered the Washing of Feet ritual for the very first time. As I stood in line, intending to wash Mr. Tom’s feet, fate took an unexpected turn. Instead, it was my feet that he washed, while I humbly performed the same act of service for a stranger lady. The priest, with a gentle touch, dried our feet with a towel. 

Throughout the service, my mind swirled with reflections on the profound messages embedded in our faith traditions. As a Muslim, I am well-acquainted with the deep significance of Ramadan—an annual period of self-reflection and abstaining from wrongdoing. However, my role at Faith in Place has broadened my horizons. I now learn about the rituals of other faith traditions—the langar in Sikhism and the Passover in Judaism. These practices convey powerful ideas of compassion, selflessness, unity, and optimism. 

These shared values fuel my unwavering commitment to our work and mission at Faith in Place. Together, we strive to create a better world—one where kindness and understanding help create a united spiritual front for the environmental challenges of our age.

Muhammad Shahzad Hussain

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Hello, here are some games for you! Crazy games and some basketball stars with you! Enjoy!


It's beautiful to see how your experiences with the Heinens and the diverse faith traditions have enriched your journey. geometry dash


I think that each of us has certain values ​​in life and we need to be honored at all times, not just during Earth month. geometry dash


Jun 03

Sağlıklı ve lezzetli kedi maması çeşitleri için doğru adres! Kedinize en uygun mamayı hemen satın alın, mutlu patiler daima yanınızda olsun.


Jun 03

Elektronik nargile satın alırken dikkat etmeniz gerekenler, en iyi modeller ve avantajlı fiyatlar için rehberiniz. Sağlıklı seçimler için bizimle kalın!

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