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Faith in Place

You Can Protect Climate Action in Illinois!

It’s no secret that climate action is under attack in Washington. Just today, President Trump is rolling back the Clean Power Plan, a key initiative designed by President Obama to tackle climate change and to promote clean energy.

Faithful Advocates from Chicago arrive for Advocacy Day at the IL Statehouse.
Faithful Advocates from Chicago

Fortunately, here in Illinois, we have seen a different approach. Indeed, with the passage of the Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) late last year, Illinois is now positioned to lead the nation in the field of clean energy and to deliver economic opportunity and health benefits to people across the state.

That legislation— the biggest breakthrough for clean energy in Illinois history-- passed for one reason: because of people like you.

You raised your voice and said that Illinois should take action to build a healthier climate and a stronger economy.

As people of faith, you reminded our leaders that good stewardship of our land, water, and air is a moral obligation.

But—our state’s leaders must keep hearing from you. Otherwise, many of the gains that we made could be wiped away.

We urge you to join us April 6 in Springfield for our annual Advocacy Day to make our voices heard. We need to keep the fight for Environmental Justice moving forward.

Key funds that are vital to the goals of the Future Energy Jobs Act must be protected. We need to ensure that innovative programs made possible under the new law reach all communities— especially economically-challenged communities and those that are impacted the most by pollution and climate change.

Because of you, Illinois is now a prime example that—despite major changes in Washington— we can do our part to promote climate action at the state and community level. On our Advocacy Day, April 6 in Springfield, we can keep the momentum building.

Your voice is now more important than ever! Join us. Register today.

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